Professor Tarozzi will be taking part in Panel on Translating for Grounded Theory with doctoral candidate Francesca Goi, Dr Kenichi Shimura, Dr Hans Thulusius and Dr Kenichi Shimura.
Massimiliano Tarozzi is professor at the Department of Philosophy and UNESCO chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, University of Bologna. He was co-director of the Development Education Research Centre at UCL – Institute of Education, where he is currently visting professor. He has taught Qualitative Research Methods for years and is regularly invited to lead seminars on qualitative methods in doctoral programs in several universities worldwide, including USA, Brazil, Argentina, China. Editor of “Encyclopaideia. Journal of Phenomenology and Education” for more than 10 years (now co-editor), is member of the editorial board of several qualitative research journals.
He has intensively written on qualitative research methods and grounded theory in particular. Among his recent publications What is Grounded Theory (Bloomsbury, 2020), also available in an early version in Italian and Portuguese and Designing Qualitative Research for Studies in Education in the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design (Ed. U. Flick) in which he has also served in the International Advisory Board.